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Syllabi, Instructors, and Permissions

Syllabus Repository

Posted on Testudo (Schedule of Classes), the Syllabus Repository is a PDF provided by the course instructor. This is NOT the official course syllabus. Only admitted students can view this PDF. If there is not one posted, contact the course instructor. See Instructor Contact Information, below.

  1. Visit: Testudo.
  2. Select Schedule of Classes.
  3. Select the appropriate term.
  4. Select Course Listing.
  5. Select the course/department acronym, e.g., ANTH for Anthropology.
  6. Find the course.
  7. Select Syllabus Repository.
  8. Selecting this will show a list of syllabi associated with that term, and selecting the syllabus from an individual instructor will display the syllabus.

Official Syllabus

  • The official course syllabus is only available to registered students and can be accessed via ELMS (Electronic Learning Management System).
  • The course instructor usually posts this information 48 hours prior to the first class meeting. If the course instructor doesn't post it on ELMS, they must provide a syllabus on the first day the class meets. 
  • Access ELMS.

Visiting Students Who Have Not Yet Applied

  • Visiting students who have not yet applied and been admitted must contact the instructor directly. See Instructor Contact Information, below.
  • Students who require their institution’s permission to take a course at UMD must apply by the posted deadline even if the institution has not yet provided such permission. See Apply - Visiting Undergraduate Students.
  1. Visit: Testudo.
  2. Select Schedule of Classes.
  3. Select the appropriate term.
  4. Select Course Listing.
  5. Select the course/department acronym, e.g., ANTH for Anthropology.
  6. Find the course.
  7. Select Show Section.
  8. Determine the instructor if there are multiple sections.
  9. See Faculty, Staff, and Student Directory.
  10. Enter the instructor’s last name.
  11. For multiple search results, determine the department associated with the course.

Pre- or Co-requisite Requirements

  • For courses that list pre- or co-requisite requirements, academic units access the UMD student record to determine if these requirements have been met.
  • Visiting students do not submit transcripts for Winter Session admission. The academic unit contacts registered visiting students directly via TERPmail to request a copy of the transcript.
  • Students who do not meet requirements will be dropped from the course. 

Course Blocks and Registration Permission

  • Winter Session is open enrollment and students should be able to register for most courses. There are a few academic units that do maintain course registration blocks—this is at their discretion. To obtain registration access, students must contact the academic unit via email and request permission to register. Visiting students must provide a copy of their transcript.
  • Below is contact information for those academic units which maintain registration blocks for some of their courses. Only email this unit if the course has a restriction that limits registration to a specific major.
  • If a unit is not listed, contact Include your full name, UID, and a complete statement regarding the requested action.

Contact Inquiries or requests must be sent from a student's email of record and include the student’s full name and UID.

Questions? Contact Us